they send me mind movies and ocular over lays
all day long
I love them most of the time
but they say this grouchy mean spirit
which is my "hardwired" mood
since a car accident in 2000
and the Dystonia it "brought on(
"dystonia is a 'hinky rather untreatable movement disorder similar to Parkinson's ..except it is more internal less visable as the muscles do not so much twitch as freeze)
makes intraneural interface touchy bizness
it effects the mandlers.when we interface in a way they have dystonia too.
get it
?maybe they can
use the read? the dystonia
on some maybe it's worth it to them
me.not so much
the dystonia doesn't show like it does amongst those afflicted by it.
if it did
people would keep more of a distance than they do..yeah that's how most people are I 'm afraid
you walkin all scurvy and wurvy down the street you bring down their"
" Presence"
looks are everything
you realize that when y get some
crumby movement disorder which I try to "mask" with drugs that make me even more moody than I already am
the mandlers in turn get moody
and wish I was more fun
the dystoinia moreso than my Mandlers
effect my thinking
my art
and relationships
the mandlers of course thing the dystonia is malingering
they think I am always "up to something"
it makes it hard to fuck as well
mandlers like a "proxy" who fucks and does drugs
it helps
the interface
and action-y reckless behavior
but one becomes less and less fuckable in their 40's dystonic or not
and being on the pipe more consequential
one worries about teeth falling out
lungs and shit
but mandlers can care less..
as mandlers get a vicarious ..high
what do mandlers care about
themselves and neural ,cognative and emotional neural spikes and data
they're like angels who don't answer prayers(or parents who don't send money) or wants
would it kill them to give me money?
this mind augment mind fuck is worth trillions..especially when you get to the overlays and the new tv..and it aint not holograms
cuz really who gives a good g-d damn bout seeing scarlett johansen in 3-d ..
different .though
if one feels and interacts with johansen or james "bankO" or some such "god"
via 5 sense ...up close inclose
a pony farm
they owe me for all the trouble these maniacs got me into
10 thousand acres and an art studio filled with power tools a n assistant and my own gallery
these motherfuckers
these men who wear on goats
believe in payback
only as it has to do with "payback"
if my interfaces with them are aggressive or dismissive ..
they give me hell
the sending back and forth of visual imagery through chips and headsets is called brain computer interface or
it's simple now that bio sensors are nano sized and can just slip into some cold cream and shit
they use ya like a mini cam
you send them thoughts and more so imagery
lately re focus on
and good thoughts about my mother and birds and bees
all at the same time
I am a tester
nothing more
no pony farm for dumbo!
I can't even get a puppie they say
or IT
(I) will be all about the dog
my thoughts
I can imagine them on headset hearing
"awwww little Elroy (the name of the presumed dog) such a nice pup"
no way Dumbo
we give you enough attention and you are OUR pup .OUR DOG
"it's bad enough" they say" that I still eat meat"
not cuz they care about my eating animals but the meat fiber that gets caught in your teeth the ..fuck I have gristle inbetween my teeth tongue poke poke
they are interfaced all that
artist lead sedimentary lives
many do
aint all fucking and drug taking
where these guys get their summations of types anyway huh..some damn 1950's movie?huh
a difficult workin relationship
as I am a pig to them
concerning things like
grooming hygene
tongue poking to dislodge food.
it sicken them that still after 2 years" Caning "
I cannot
block food particle dislodgement (talk about hamburger hill ) or
for instance a random thought about all the transmitters satellites and direct energy *eapons and psycho tronic torture just stopping and m,aybe real aliens saying fuck this jive ..let's save poor dumbo and the rest of the targeted individuals and "bad people" from this mind fuck
..i write everything now
why hold back why write it as fiction
who the fuck believes me? huh
I am like a guinie pig in some endless maze
for all I know I am simply just mad
or in communion with disorganized angry angels at this point
and not just psychotronically mista lawnmower man/Algernon /brainstorm/tommy walker DDDDumbo!
as it is in my best interest I take the high road and go blow an older guy in a truck
usually one of them
stuff like that they dig
or go slamming things aroun d like Frankenstein in a frat house
anything actiony
like a super hero
if I hear a mean woman yell or say abusive shit to a kid I am calledintuitively to action
and point my eyes like lasers
..I do not say a word
just fold my arms
and shake my head .No"
if I see a fight I leap to the weaker of the species defense and perhaps kick the other in the belly ..shhhhhhh
don't say a word..
my mandlers love my
sense of justice
except as it has to do with
and cybernetic mandling
to pay me back for my defensive kick kick punchiness aimed at the alpha male square jaw sand kick type...and or they're wives
I am treated for the hero I am by EVAN
who only asks that I
try to stay out of jail
(not easy,not possible...but I try..)
every now and than
I go to the truckstop or where ever and ....
give them some neural spikes that have more to do with ...entertainment...
and sometimes it's good enuf to just think them a clip
based on various hot guys I see around town
it's part of the "job"
it's what Parasol Pictures thinks will help
get consumers into
aside from direct neural porno all 5 sense on on on
you also "get a push" as the computer interface
not only raise or heightends reality with emotional peaks
but drugs
that the computer corrolates
that make the FEELING of cocaine,ketamine,heroin and DMT etc go Right up your amygdala
but without the bodily long term harm
THIS is the MONEY shot
of Brain Computer Interface
people call it a lot of things
these "drugs" that
help one get all unselfconscious and trippy
the mandlers and I have tried every substance under the sun
to make direct in your mind
mind to mind
or mind to computer sex
mimizine some comic book called it
feelies another serious writer called it
grocking another one called it...
get it
well you will
problem is they also developed the flip end of sex
violence for "the bad people" and intracranial experience of drugs that make you feel so bad or so sad you want to off yourself
ALSO THEY have formatted genuine overlays of real shaman
and very spiritual people ...
every damn thing you can imagine
remember that episode of underdog where that mean guy takes all the water.from all the oceans in the world?
and reduces them into little bottles
that's what they're doing with feelings
and cognitions
some feelings as you know are worth all the money in the world
and THAT little brother is what they're counting on
I call it reward for being treated like a monkey lab rat by these manics
another thing is
besides love interest like the bag boi or pizza boi
you can also
graph for a movie star you wanna fuck
and bamboo! there he or she is
in your face up your bum
down your throat
mr dr asks
who is sick to bits by now hearing about mandlers
and nano chips
and RFD chips and implants they put in monkeys to see thru their eyes
and how they're gonna like make people into some zombie nation of avatars
I mean ...we already are
if you haven't noticed
aren't we
I mean isn't that why cops pick you up ..cuz you don't act like your supposed to..and I assume your mandelrs
don't like ya too much cuz you don't think like everyone else
but dude he says
you sound like my 5 year old nephew ..talking about some cartoon he's seen
after a while ya just wanna grab the kid and toss him in the other room
or tell him to shut up...
get it?
even if is happening you sound like a kid talkin about cartons you saw Saturday morning
and while people are patiently waiting for you to finish say yes go on what happened next
inside their like jesuis
whens he gonna shut up
or in your case GROW UP
and I don't know be part of the great avatar race
chips or no chips and
get a job
get your own place
drive a car
get a boyfriend
or a dog or something
AHHH shut up I say
I woulda stomped out the door but I wanted some meds
so you don't believe it's true
actuALLY I can believe someone would and will do these things
and yes they might need human experiments
and yes you were probably acting all aggressive or doing your misdemeanor stuff all over town and someone might of said look at the goofball over their...
no one would believe a word he'd say or something
you have that "look " to you
no offense
and somehow you've maintained some childman goofball dumbass qualities well into your 40's
"thank you ,I say
It's not really a're don't work don't seem to talk much about anything but mandlers and youre probably not even a good fuck...
you need to get fucked.
I can help you that
CUT the director says
take a break ,we'll start with THE DOCTOR's INTERN coming in and asking what all the fuss is about
all day long
I love them most of the time
but they say this grouchy mean spirit
which is my "hardwired" mood
since a car accident in 2000
and the Dystonia it "brought on(
"dystonia is a 'hinky rather untreatable movement disorder similar to Parkinson's ..except it is more internal less visable as the muscles do not so much twitch as freeze)
makes intraneural interface touchy bizness
it effects the mandlers.when we interface in a way they have dystonia too.
get it
?maybe they can
use the read? the dystonia
on some maybe it's worth it to them
me.not so much
the dystonia doesn't show like it does amongst those afflicted by it.
if it did
people would keep more of a distance than they do..yeah that's how most people are I 'm afraid
you walkin all scurvy and wurvy down the street you bring down their"
" Presence"
looks are everything
you realize that when y get some
crumby movement disorder which I try to "mask" with drugs that make me even more moody than I already am
the mandlers in turn get moody
and wish I was more fun
the dystoinia moreso than my Mandlers
effect my thinking
my art
and relationships
the mandlers of course thing the dystonia is malingering
they think I am always "up to something"
it makes it hard to fuck as well
mandlers like a "proxy" who fucks and does drugs
it helps
the interface
and action-y reckless behavior
but one becomes less and less fuckable in their 40's dystonic or not
and being on the pipe more consequential
one worries about teeth falling out
lungs and shit
but mandlers can care less..
as mandlers get a vicarious ..high
what do mandlers care about
themselves and neural ,cognative and emotional neural spikes and data
they're like angels who don't answer prayers(or parents who don't send money) or wants
would it kill them to give me money?
this mind augment mind fuck is worth trillions..especially when you get to the overlays and the new tv..and it aint not holograms
cuz really who gives a good g-d damn bout seeing scarlett johansen in 3-d ..
different .though
if one feels and interacts with johansen or james "bankO" or some such "god"
via 5 sense ...up close inclose
a pony farm
they owe me for all the trouble these maniacs got me into
10 thousand acres and an art studio filled with power tools a n assistant and my own gallery
these motherfuckers
these men who wear on goats
believe in payback
only as it has to do with "payback"
if my interfaces with them are aggressive or dismissive ..
they give me hell
the sending back and forth of visual imagery through chips and headsets is called brain computer interface or
it's simple now that bio sensors are nano sized and can just slip into some cold cream and shit
they use ya like a mini cam
you send them thoughts and more so imagery
lately re focus on
and good thoughts about my mother and birds and bees
all at the same time
I am a tester
nothing more
no pony farm for dumbo!
I can't even get a puppie they say
or IT
(I) will be all about the dog
my thoughts
I can imagine them on headset hearing
"awwww little Elroy (the name of the presumed dog) such a nice pup"
no way Dumbo
we give you enough attention and you are OUR pup .OUR DOG
"it's bad enough" they say" that I still eat meat"
not cuz they care about my eating animals but the meat fiber that gets caught in your teeth the ..fuck I have gristle inbetween my teeth tongue poke poke
they are interfaced all that
artist lead sedimentary lives
many do
aint all fucking and drug taking
where these guys get their summations of types anyway huh..some damn 1950's movie?huh
a difficult workin relationship
as I am a pig to them
concerning things like
grooming hygene
tongue poking to dislodge food.
it sicken them that still after 2 years" Caning "
I cannot
block food particle dislodgement (talk about hamburger hill ) or
for instance a random thought about all the transmitters satellites and direct energy *eapons and psycho tronic torture just stopping and m,aybe real aliens saying fuck this jive ..let's save poor dumbo and the rest of the targeted individuals and "bad people" from this mind fuck
..i write everything now
why hold back why write it as fiction
who the fuck believes me? huh
I am like a guinie pig in some endless maze
for all I know I am simply just mad
or in communion with disorganized angry angels at this point
and not just psychotronically mista lawnmower man/Algernon /brainstorm/tommy walker DDDDumbo!
as it is in my best interest I take the high road and go blow an older guy in a truck
usually one of them
stuff like that they dig
anything actiony
like a super hero
if I hear a mean woman yell or say abusive shit to a kid I am calledintuitively to action
and point my eyes like lasers
..I do not say a word
just fold my arms
and shake my head .No"
if I see a fight I leap to the weaker of the species defense and perhaps kick the other in the belly ..shhhhhhh
don't say a word..
my mandlers love my
sense of justice
except as it has to do with
and cybernetic mandling
to pay me back for my defensive kick kick punchiness aimed at the alpha male square jaw sand kick type...and or they're wives
I am treated for the hero I am by EVAN
who only asks that I
try to stay out of jail
(not easy,not possible...but I try..)
every now and than
I go to the truckstop or where ever and ....
give them some neural spikes that have more to do with ...entertainment...
and sometimes it's good enuf to just think them a clip
based on various hot guys I see around town
it's part of the "job"
it's what Parasol Pictures thinks will help
get consumers into
you also "get a push" as the computer interface
not only raise or heightends reality with emotional peaks
but drugs
that the computer corrolates
that make the FEELING of cocaine,ketamine,heroin and DMT etc go Right up your amygdala
but without the bodily long term harm
THIS is the MONEY shot
of Brain Computer Interface
people call it a lot of things
these "drugs" that
help one get all unselfconscious and trippy
the mandlers and I have tried every substance under the sun
to make direct in your mind
mind to mind
or mind to computer sex
mimizine some comic book called it
feelies another serious writer called it
grocking another one called it...
get it
well you will
problem is they also developed the flip end of sex
violence for "the bad people" and intracranial experience of drugs that make you feel so bad or so sad you want to off yourself
ALSO THEY have formatted genuine overlays of real shaman
and very spiritual people ...
every damn thing you can imagine
remember that episode of underdog where that mean guy takes all the water.from all the oceans in the world?
and reduces them into little bottles
that's what they're doing with feelings
and cognitions
some feelings as you know are worth all the money in the world
and THAT little brother is what they're counting on
I call it reward for being treated like a monkey lab rat by these manics
another thing is
besides love interest like the bag boi or pizza boi
you can also
graph for a movie star you wanna fuck
and bamboo! there he or she is
in your face up your bum
down your throat
mr dr asks
who is sick to bits by now hearing about mandlers
and nano chips
and RFD chips and implants they put in monkeys to see thru their eyes
and how they're gonna like make people into some zombie nation of avatars
I mean ...we already are
if you haven't noticed
aren't we
I mean isn't that why cops pick you up ..cuz you don't act like your supposed to..and I assume your mandelrs
don't like ya too much cuz you don't think like everyone else
but dude he says
you sound like my 5 year old nephew ..talking about some cartoon he's seen
after a while ya just wanna grab the kid and toss him in the other room
or tell him to shut up...
get it?
even if is happening you sound like a kid talkin about cartons you saw Saturday morning
and while people are patiently waiting for you to finish say yes go on what happened next
inside their like jesuis
whens he gonna shut up
or in your case GROW UP
and I don't know be part of the great avatar race
chips or no chips and
get a job
get your own place
drive a car
get a boyfriend
or a dog or something
AHHH shut up I say
I woulda stomped out the door but I wanted some meds
so you don't believe it's true
actuALLY I can believe someone would and will do these things
and yes they might need human experiments
and yes you were probably acting all aggressive or doing your misdemeanor stuff all over town and someone might of said look at the goofball over their...
no one would believe a word he'd say or something
you have that "look " to you
no offense
and somehow you've maintained some childman goofball dumbass qualities well into your 40's
"thank you ,I say
It's not really a're don't work don't seem to talk much about anything but mandlers and youre probably not even a good fuck...
you need to get fucked.
I can help you that
CUT the director says
take a break ,we'll start with THE DOCTOR's INTERN coming in and asking what all the fuss is about
I have all but stopped painting,,,i have had to medicate myself recently ...which by the way does not help "silence" mentors: or what I call mandlers..think of it as possession alien 's of the psychotronic neurotronic kind often called by targeted individuals or T'I's a science called chatterbox technology ...created to "detain' would be agitators..
Ive written to you previously about being "tagged" another movie reference ..let's callit a painting wink in the Movie black swan"..what was that all about ..well I will sums up what targeted individuals call organized stalking and occipital overlay sounds mad writing of this at all..i am getting good at not A.I Immersive reality testing and it's subsequent use to drive another either to say "uncle" or "join us" is inebvitable...I do not believe that this "machinery" will ever be under anybody's xmas tree for quite some time ..if not for the enhancement it can and will bring to activities like TV ..why me why did I get tagged ..the're not clear..some days it's to fix me ,save me,correct me,teach me the amazing things that can be done./ awful lot of testing stop and does one buffer a thought a memory etc...which I believe had a lot to do with my art taken "by the powers that "seize" as what in the old days may have been called "pinko"...check out the technology such as chatterbox ..voice of god tech. and human experimentation...the drawings I have done...not quite every day are all concerned with this type of mechanism of augmented living and a type of slow suicide by synthetic I mentioned it is all I now paint or write about ..(a man named magnus olsen writes more convincingly about the subject that I presume to you sounds "cuckoo cuckoo...and I wish I could simply type yes..i wake up at 7 every morning and take rendering I did from my sketch pad and transfer them free hand canvas rolls as I did before being "taken and put in my place by"white noise " and intimidation albeit through means not spoken about except in bytes on the mass media...I might than write thn about A.I testing and immersive reality over rides to nano particles the size of white blood cells that enable ocular over lay with out the need for "google glass" and that this is the good part...still this is about human testing Tuskegee .via lawnmowerman..I can send you some of the drawing .watercolors many of them that I am 'with it " enough to do..they do not sell..previous buyers find them "non universal" in their "charms"...I draw or paint at all lately to add at least some previous incarnation of myself to the blog .which as I have said deals with The Singularity ,human testing.Immersive reality that can over ride one's own and how "of course" it is first being developed as something to detain one's seen as subversive..oh the year 2013 this is all true...I regret the day I did the painting "abugraib Saturday night" or or the paintings in this vain for I believe the message I was sending was misperceived as agitator...perfect fodder to be seen as one open to "the new way" which uses technique not dissimilar to those practiced (and gotten right0 by Dr Cameron(Canada...1964...involving neuro linguistics,a football helmet with a tape cassette recorder in it that played simultaneously for up to 3 re educated .one's mind..)alsop ...fearsome of all is that those found undesirable citizens also get an opurtunity to try out synthetic telepathy (also quite easily looked up) ...I believe the film cabin in the woods dealt with this to some did the tv movie wild palms...and what were those odd "dots" in that awful movie "the Host" I realize I sound that is what one who has been put in this position of lab rat"seeing the rhino" is becomes and comes off as..I have tried to draw about it write about it...and have posted endlessly about ..researched it like a nervous 20 something writing a college thesis...every bit of science ...everything I write of is backed up by disclosed ...periodicals and true science...pardon the spelling I will gladly send you the drawings ...about psychotronic testing done on subversives and any othe rnon person undesireable They who do things one should never fact have been doing for decades-----Original Message----- From:**********ski <***********> To: Jim Bloom <> Sent: Sat, Sep 21, 2013 2:41 am Subject: Fwd: interview with James Bloom ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *********i &nw@; Date: Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 8:39 PM Subject: interview with James Bloom To: Jim Bloom <>3) Do you paint and draw every day, James? 4) How does the world around you shape your art?
Ok I'm confused now. This post and a few others I've read this far are very similar to my wife's journals. She was assaulted by a Neo Nazi at 18 leaving her with a brain injury but it wasn't all bad, she now has a unique ability to predict some events. Well that was until she became scared of my art work. I am a survivor of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) well it was through the Catholic church but I digress. I had a dream at 14 that laid out my future and the points,of interest in my dream matched up once I met my wife. You recently left some activity on my twitter and Im confused on your stance. You seem to be both for and against the attempt these not so human humans have attempted to crack into the minds of vulnerable ppl. It seems as though we share similar traumatic experiences followed by disassociation of the mind and body. My wife says,her soul is in hiding. So I'm curious,as to if you are a very intelligent troll or you are a self diagnosed target? Which one. Please reply. I'm sure you don't take a stance with someone you seem to be attacking. And I'm curious to how you came to get the ball rolling my direction in the first place. This world is full of bridges and they are over crowded with inhabitants of the trolley nature.