in 2011 I began writing ,pondering and wandering into the land of what screenwriters call "High Concept" nano technology,advances in Brain Mapping and Mind "reading" techniques as well as advances in Mind Persuasive Ventures (5 sense "virtual )or induced temporal lobe ..."reality" by several movie studios in and around the "golden state" ,it did not occur to me ,at the time that Los Angeles nor it's main industry might be so affronted by me jottings about the future of Virtual Reality or that and organization (no a self help group,no,a religion,no,a cult ,no a corperation)with pull (and money to bull and bully ) might single me out for writing of the Singualarity by giving me a dose of it's own mediation They "app" different people for different reasons in California..They have used me like mouse. but Evan reminds me THEY have not given up on me...,and can fix my essential "badness" if I keep an Open Mind to open Mind technology .which seems to serve several purposes. either to improve cognitively and temporally those FOR advanceds in the science of Mind Augment and to "get rid of" those who are AGAINST such seemingly ung-dly ACTS such as Neuro or Psychotronic "rendering"... EVAN reminds me that The Old Way was to hav e children to tend the farm and if I am so dull minded to think that inevitably most people if they are to be had...or born at all will only be "made" to serve some purpose or other i had stopped writting for a time it hadf occurred to me that perhaps MY purpose in The New Way was simply to be an example of the "type" that serves no purpose whatsoever except to goad and put down New Communijcations SZystems (greoup thought) and ":integrated living systems for a better tommorow"copywrite Proxy Cyber (inserts ,RFD chiups,macro particles that work in tandem with "the limits of un-steered adjuct".. ishould not be writing .. of this but when one is a human monkey for Proxy Lab let me tell you one really has very little recoarse or simply much else to do... for when one is taken when one's mind is taken in such a way "to give the apps a spin" to give "The New Way" a go,a try...a look.see one's life is really no longer one's own.. one has little drive when one is driven by another ... there are limits to how far I may go in my rants against proxy or my mentors who do not mind tgo mind a bit od ribbing now and than... when i go too far and my thoughts (our thoughts...No dum,bo WE do not think this WAY...We do not SHARE your particular SICKNESS of emotion and COGnition old boi... nor at this point are we as empathetic as we once were.. my visual cortex is overtaken by a 'reel" of the last few weeks... a broken sticky "stem' black with burnt stimulants my fault . not theirs it is often the only "firewall" i have i expl,ain to nobody but myself.. Mentors who once attempted to understand my reasons for blithering zombification via cocaine now only see a slow suicide and moreso a lack of "playfulness" towards being a Targeted Individual a science experiemnt for Proxy Lab they indicate through "dailies" that overtake my own thoughts on microprocessed shared experience that for as much as I simper and whine about Steered Living I enjoy iut more than I claim... that in fact much of my posts indicate not a cry for help with the situation but a boasting 'show off" look whatg "I have" in me and you don't type of materialism that suprises them.. they con fuse me and confind me one would believe that Artificial Intelligence would straighten out one's thinking rather than mash it up like a garden variety schizophrenic which they assure me (unless I go into too much detail.."and never forget Dumbo that this is patented technology..."borrowed..."gifted" to you this information is ours THE PROCESS is ours..(I do not understand how one patents a philosophy for TruGenics and Neuronautics seem to be more of a belief than a computational system...unless one can call calculated Hackdom and Everything but the kitchen sink Gestalt gestapo regimented Human Traffic do as I say or die "dreaming and scheming against us" this sickly bitchy blog which only makes YOU not us seem non progressive and provincial another voice ...almost laughably childish in it's attempt to sound stern I swear they have gotten a Voice Over actor I have heard in a flinty cartoon about Purim in my youth to play the Moses roll to my Job-like slip slop through Cybernetic "mandling" my "you are not g-d but a sembelance of such via virtual reality transistors (bots) in my ac hy breaky head nano nano "and you are a little less and a little more than human" THEY my Mnetors GRAPH BACK more and more I am considered less than human for I have done nothing whatsoever but try to ruin the experience by speaking of it writing of it and mocking my mentors and tryinjg to confound the "system" with drug abuse. and false claims of abuse by Psychotronics especially by certain Mentors whose main function it seems is to see if remote intraneural interface can drive a man to take his own life... ...and not YOURS really at all although the 'bots" which I have discovered the mentors who wear 'bots or biosensors only during the workday on their heads and temples via hairnet or "helmet" The Crackpipe...what is called by some a stem....for the small glass tubes for some reason or other contain flinty plastic precious these flowers that they must be housed in glass tubes to be protected and only sold if asked for in certain bodegas... usually after some type of eye exchange...of some understanding ..of "yes ..I know and need what a stem is for ....I am not ,trust me a man of authority searching for the glass tubes that house the precious useless glass flowers... at first i do believe that my Mentors and "bosses" who do not pay me...for that might in some way "humanize me" to them and make them perhaps hesistant to "play temporal prefrontal leopole loebish "games" with me...and what is left of my (their ,our) mind it has occured to me that my attempts at creating some sortr of "firewall" with cocaine that unlike most leaves me not "high" or hyper" but frozen and filled with an eerie sense of Flatlining non thought.. I sense neither induced unwanted (and in my opinion unwarrented intraneural interface or remote neural monitor..) I am neither a criminal or a threat to anyone... and even if I was was or was percieved to be I for one feel that this type of detainment psycho and neurologically is cruel and so unusual in it's desaigns that trustg me dear reader you are not the first to percieve my predicament of being a prosioner of Proxy Cyber labs as tomfollery or a Thought Disorder at first I went along with the "program" and did all that was neccesary to solidify some type of excuse for my "far away eyes" by going along with ...the charade of Thought Disorder but soon grew tired of being the mental illness label and the stingy check it provided for a time my mentors understood that "for this to work" I had to be somewhat willing to mask my oddness and growing "look" of Otherness" that goes hand in hand with seeing and hearing things .. and for a time were alright with me smoking ,shooting or snorting near anything at all to a. provide an interesting "brain map" or neural read and b. provide a bona fide excuse for often appearing puppetlike or under some "spell" however in time true brain descrepancies of true brain damage were observed by some of my mentors and the scientists at Proxy Cyber and the concesus was....enough was enough you see many others had begun writing about not just Proxy Cyber Labs but other's in "on the payday to come...when much of the data becomes public" and questions of liability and such came into view.. as while i and many Targeted Individuals in A.I and Immersive Reality "rundowns" may not be believed in 2013 there was some forethought by the powers that seize of the years 2023 ... and how certain pay offs that may hold many a good man from talking of "hey man what's that sound everybody look whats goin down" today perhaps in a decade something akin to a conscious or the very least a hustle for more money to keep a lid on it might ...degrease the hand that rocked the disabled homeless drug addict and other diusinfranchised human fodder to play "lawnmower man" with familiarity breeds contenmpt but than again i do not really wish to "work" with any new players in the field of nanotechnology or Mind Augment techniques ... there is a routine ... and while not a kinship at least a "day to day" usualness to havings one's neurals monitored maintained or tweaked by the same Guardeans all too familiar with one's Habituals and Styles of Thought" i as many Targeted Individuals who complain or type or even try to de"legislate" (or protest) too much may find themselves outsourced further and further down the grid.. from medical uses to gaming(even a few cults and bona fide Hate Groups..have "somehow" gotten their miits "on the chips" in return for a bit and byte of neural data on how The Dots might be used to "help conform" mass 'audiences" or for simple "crowd control" applications... to the lowest depths of What Neuro Psychotronics and Mind to Mind Interface can be used for Marketing and Television... as i have ststaed previously in my unread jottings one of the goals of testing intracranial "electronics" is to get the testing and research and development as far from the Source of Funding and Influence as possibble which is one reason the Dots the Neural dusts the chips or whatever one calls these things only "druggies" or "maniacs" speak of these things one can perhaps too easily "find" on the net ...which always write of this in a "soon we will be able to"..."oner day it will be possible" fairy Tale manner when even any post graduate Stanford sloth knows that psychotronic testing on mice and apes was accomplished for all it (they) were good for in 1993... when i post much of the disclosed science of my and milliuons of others situation (the numbers go up .not down concerning "The Singularitity and it's ergers and aquisistions of demographic baseline Neural "types" the only corrections I often make to the data are removing the "one days " and "somedays" as believe it or not some findings of thed mind augment kind which are posted are a number of years behind 'the times"