Saturday, January 14, 2012

the dept of shapes and lines.

those sgiggly things
in old movies

i make them now.
i am in training

i am making them for the
real world as well

let me explain as best i can for there is little time

like  when

   u go
say  to visit
      like your ...old aunt...
                                     say she's like 93 or something
                               and ...I don't know ..she's gonna leave u a inheritance or something
u see her a coupla times
   and u genuinely like her
for no reason   you just do

         but u can't   help staring at this mole on her face.with this bitty little hair coming out of it
thats where i come in.
providing shapes and lines to avert your eyes

she of course sees the little squiggles.
and blesses you for it

she sees everything